Saturday, March 2, 2013

Female Hero

Mothers in general are wise women they are the ones who taught us right from wrong. They give us lessons in our everyday life’s and teach us to be ourselves other than what people expect from us. This blog is about Wise old Mentors but not only Asian men or Asian mentors are wise as we all want to picture them  because of the stereotype. In our lives we all have or had a mother who taught us the way of life and what to expect from it. A wise old Mentor would not keep food on our table or maintain our home stable a mother with her wisdom and her presence is what keeps a home as a whole. As mentioned “ the mother is the one who helps fulfill the vision of her husband and puts into action cultivating the culture, warmth, order and atmosphere of the home”(proverbs). Without a mother in the home the home is destroyed and the family is broken. A wise mentor wouldn't know how to keep a home the way a mother does a mentor is just one who give life lessons when needed, but a mother reminds us what matters in life the most and how to cherish it. My mother is my example of a wise women she keeps the family in place and tries her hardest to keep us together, she teaches me life lessons every single day. Something she always tells me and makes sure I remember is be yourself not what others want you to be, without her believe me I wouldn't be the person I am and  the person I will turn out to be. 

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